Tuesday, April 24, 2012

All Good Things in Good Time

Wise philosopher Thomas Petty once penned, "The waiting is the hardest part," and I think he was on to something. It might be an easy thing to overlook, but really, the waiting is the point sometimes. "Wait and see", "more will be revealed", and the ever condescending "this too shall pass" all seem to point to the notion that with patience, waiting will be worth it. Seeds will grow into plants, babies will be nourished in the womb, attraction will grow to love...Well, I call bullshit. Here's why:

Sometimes, waiting isn't such a hot idea. Sometimes, things require immediate action. You'll burn the risotto if you leave it sitting in the pan for too long, gazing out the window looking into the wood of a summer's nigh'...I mean, come on already. I know I've said before that nothing is an emergency, but sometimes there's a very fine line between waiting for something to follow its course and just wasting time because you're afraid to address an issue head-on. And it is this, I suppose, that I'm fired up about today.

I guess when you come right down to it, I just don't want the people I love to be wasting so much damn time. Let's live a little. Let loose, take a risk. Follow your dreams, follow your heart, follow the yellow brick road or whatever it is that inspires you to be your best self. Isn't that what we've been put here to do?

Well, Pixie Girl. Aren't you the smartie pants and don't you have it all figured out? How's that working for you these days? Funny you should ask: it's not. I've spent the last ten days absorbing the energetic musings of my little people whom I've just pushed out the door to school. And I've done nothing. Nothing at all. Today was the first I've pulled out my cards and done a reading, and to be honest, I'm a little miffed not to have been able to move forward on other projects that I have on tap. My real job has been getting in the way.

Hm, so maybe the ranting against the people in your life who aren't taking action might be a little, shall we say, hypocritical, then? Hmm, oh Wise One with your bossy blog posts telling everyone else what to do? Well, funny you ask. I guess I'm a bit tired of waiting to get my shizz in order. One could argue that all good things happen as they should, in their own good time, but I'm not buying it. We make our own luck and our own choices. I'm off to get moving on some things: namely, fine-tuning my application to grad school, finishing the damn laundry, and logging some miles for a race I'm training for. 

What about you?